IATA cat. 1 & 2 (tøris og smittefarlige stoffer cat. B)

IATA cat. 1 & 2 (tøris og smittefarlige stoffer cat. B)


24. august 2020    
Hele dagen


Tilmeldinger lukket


Arne Jacobsens Allé 7, København S


Indlæser kort...

Om kurset

Dette kursus er til dig, der afsender eller hjælper med at pakke luftfragt-forsendelser indeholdende tøris (UN 1845) eller smittefarlige stoffer i kategori B (UN 3373). Når du har bestået kurset lever du op til kravene, der stilles af afsender når sådanne typer varer skal sendes med fly.

Kurset strækker sig over en dag, og afsluttes med en obligatorisk prøve. Efter afsluttet kursus og bestået prøve udstedes kursusbevis, som er gyldigt i 24 måneder.

Vigtigt: Kursusmateriale, opgaver og prøve er på engelsk, og undervisningen forgår på en blanding af engelsk og dansk. Der kræves engelskfærdigheder svarende til ca. 9. klasse grundskole. 

Kurset afvikles i samarbejde med DG Safety Group og er naturligvis godkendt af Trafik-, Bygge- og Boligstyrelsen.


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Course Objective

Gain the competencies required to prepare shipments containing dangerous goods* for air transport
according to the current edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) manual. Apply the
IATA DGR manual, perform the responsibilities involved in classifying, identifying, packing, marking,
labelling and documenting dangerous goods*, and understand the legal responsibilities involved with
the transportation of dangerous good.

*Dangerous goods in this course is
– UN3373 Biological Substance, Category B
– UN1845 Dry Ice
– UN3245 Genetically Modified Organisms

Course Description

Interactive classroom course: All information will be presented by means of handouts, slides, video’s,
practical exercises, group discussions and games. The course will end with an open book


DG knowledge – None – this is a beginner course.


The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations and all course material is in English. The classroom facilitation can be given in English, Danish or Swedish.


1 Day (8 hours) – 09:00 – 17:00

What you will learn

  • Understand the basis and applicability of the IATA DGR
  • Apply the states and operation variations
  • Identify the 9 hazard classes with emphasis on UN3373 & UN1845
  • Apply the applicable special provisions
  • Apply the provisions for packing, marking and labelling of shipments containing UN3373 & UN1845
  • Complete transport documentation (dangerous goods documentation and air waybill – AWB) and any other accompanied documents
  • State the relevant emergency response and reporting procedure
  • Security provisions.


A Certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the course and final exam. Minimum required for certification is 80% correct answers.
Recurrent training must be provided within 24 months of previous training to keep validity ofcertification and to ensure up to date knowledge.



Tilmeldinger er lukket til denne event.